About the Program
The 10ES-ELP is a certificate level leadership program designed to expose Christian leaders and managers to next-level leadership concepts in an inspirational learning environment that will:
Ignite a passion to learn
Provide valid, reliable, and confidential feedback
Provide information that is instantly applicable, and
Provide the ability and resources to impart to others what is learned.
Many leaders do the right things intuitively but do not know how to articulate the process appropriately. The 10ES-ELP will provide a vocabulary that enables leaders to lead and managers to manage at a new level.
The 10ES-ELP utilizes a COHORT Model of a maximum of 40 students per cohort (group) creating a personal learning community experiencing together a corporate journey of growth and development.
The 10ES-ELP, is unique, exposing participants to cutting-edge leadership-related concepts, theory, and practical skills that are context-sensitive to ministry and marketplace leaders.
This 10ES-ELP is interdisciplinary, providing faith-based leaders the analytical framework, tools, and common vocabulary necessary to execute strategic ministry, business, mission, and vision. The program also encourages each participant to become a life-long learner, creating learning organizations and ministries that can appropriately adapt to changing circumstances and contexts.
The 10ES-ELP looks for high-potential candidates. Translating that potential into a pipeline of leadership talent is our mission and goal.
Upon completion, receive your
Certificate of Executive Leadership from LeaderLabs
and also have the opportunity to earn credit hours toward a degree.