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LeaderLabs 4.0: The Leaders' Dashboard
LeaderLabs 4.0 Addresses the 8 Most Relevant,
Supplemental, and Usable Skillsets for this Present Season:
LAB 1. Time for Change; Becoming Spiritual Meteorologists
LAB 2. Surviving Change; 3 Stages and 8 Steps for Leading Change
LAB 3. Leadership Greatness: Mark 9:33 and Mark 10:35
LAB 4. The New Focus on Emotional Intelligence
LAB 5. Addressing the Number One Mistake Leaders Make
LAB 6. Time and Priority Management; How to slow down and focus
LAB 7. The Ministers' Self-Assessment, Part 1
LAB 8. The Ministers' Self-Assessment, Part 2
Format: One Saturday per month for 4-months held at your location. (Statewide or Local Church)
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