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Goals of the 10ES ELP


  • To examine leadership from a contemporary-issues perspective.

  • To value the diverse methods of effective leadership.

  • To develop a personal understanding of the processes, practices, and purposes of leadership.

  • To provide the opportunity to develop essential leadership skills through study, discussion, and observations.

  • To expand the students’ conceptions of leadership beyond the context of position and power.

  • To enhance interaction among students and trainers increasing the potential for mutual stimulation, networking, and accountability.

  • To conduct in-depth self-analysis through the use of analytical instruments.

  • To receive 360-degree multi-source feedback.

  • To increase self-awareness regarding leadership gifts, personality style, and personal values.

  • To value the importance of authenticity in leadership.

  • To examine the nature and principles of leadership in contemporary culture.

  • To introduce the student to the developing and ever expanding resources for leadership.

  • To explore leadership in relation to individuality, cooperation, community, and collaboration.

  • To study many of the biblical qualities of leadership.

  • To study the idea of followership and how it impacts leadership.

  • To look into the future of leadership in the 21st century.

  • To consider the contextual application of effective leadership by connecting theory with practice.

  • To intentionally involve emerging leaders in practical experiences of leadership.

  • To awaken and/or encourage, a life-long search for effectiveness as a servant leader.

  • To identify problems of leadership, including ethical as well as functional problems.

  • To synthesize diverse material related to leadership issues.

  • To read about, listen to, and talk with leaders; personally react to their philosophies, values, styles, and visions.

  • To assist students in the process of reflecting and learning from their own experiences.

  • To understand leadership as a process.

  • To engage in positive learning experiences within positive learning environments.

  • To challenge participants to learn within a climate that is comfortable and supportive.



Principles of the 10ES ELP


  • Leadership Development begins with Self-Development

  • Self-Development begins with Self-Awareness

  • Self-Awareness leads to Self-Control (Management)

  • Self-Management leads to Integrity and Credibility


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